Debt Counselling guide and everything you need to know

YOUR DEBT COUNSELLING GUIDE FROM START TO FINISH: South African consumers have been tested and punched financially with the increase of higher interest rates, fuel prices that cause cash flow strain, the cost of food and groceries has increased where an ordinary family is now paying approximately R800.00 more on the basic food needs. All […]
COVID 19 and Debt protection insurance

This week we at Debt Centre want to share valuable information with our readers and other multi-social media platform members regarding Debt Protection Insurance. The new COVID19 Lockdown Law and regulations enforced the whole nation to stay at home for 21 days and then further extended and now in level four with some business that […]
Getting a Divorce with Debt

Getting a Divorce and dealing with debt in the marriage. In this week’s blog, we here at Consumer Debt Support (CDS) would like to take the opportunity and share a little more about the topic of when a couple comes to the decision of a divorce. What happens to the debt the marriage incurred and […]
The credit ombudsman and it’s role to the consumer.

The credit ombudsman and it’s role to the consumer. In this week’s blog, we at Consumer Debt Support (CDS) realize consumers do not know where to refer a matter that needs to be investigated, relating to a credit agreement, a serious legal problem regarding old debt or when an asset was sold on a auction like a vehicle. […]
Know when debt prescribed or unprescribed?

Are you struggling with the issue of prescribed or un-prescribed debt? In this week’s blog, Consumer Debt Support (CDS) would like to share more on the topic of prescribed and un-prescribed debt. We receive daily calls from consumers who are in a panic state because debt collectors are calling them all the time with old […]