Debt Review benefits struggling consumers

Breaking the silence struggling to pay debts in a weakening economy. This week’s blog, we at Consumer Debt Support (CDS) want to talk about what is debt review. We had previous discussions in one of our blogs on this topic. The question is, how would one deal with debt? What is the best solution that […]

What does FICA mean? In this week’s blog, we here at Consumer Debt Support (CDS) take an in-depth look into what it means when you need to be FICA’d. We explain this process and explore the reasons why. The Financial Intelligence Act has been enforced since 2003 and is the only way your identity and […]
What can a debt review application cost you?

WHAT WILL IT COST YOU? With any professional service, it is reasonable to expect that professional fees will have to be paid when a service is rendered. As with any service this is very true with Debt Review. The Registered Debt Counselor has NCR guidelines, and commonly make use of agreed industry fees* along with […]
Thank you for your support

Happy Holidays, share and give with love. 2017 was a difficult year full of challenges for consumers facing a rough economy, price increases and tough financial time now and ahead. Here at Consumer Debt Centre (CDS) the year had come to a close for the Festive Holiday season. Like all families, we are spending time […]
Know when debt prescribed or unprescribed?

Are you struggling with the issue of prescribed or un-prescribed debt? In this week’s blog, Consumer Debt Support (CDS) would like to share more on the topic of prescribed and un-prescribed debt. We receive daily calls from consumers who are in a panic state because debt collectors are calling them all the time with old […]